Quick Reference

Bookmark this page and come back to it - it’s your cheatsheet.

If you are reading the tutorial for the first time, scroll over basic info below and spend a minute if anything catches your eye.

You will feel overwhelmed if you read this all in one go, so lets rather start with small examples.
After a quick scroll-over, let’s do some tutorials ➡️.


Even though it’s a reference, this document can be read top to bottom:
- Glossing over constants and common game info, we then look in detail at
- Unit/Group selection, actions, info and events.
- Zooming out, we then review the match lifecycle, callbacks, api observations and communication.
- We round off with map awareness and geometry, followed by static and meta-data.

Unless stated otherwise, in the tables below, methods are from the context of an instance of a Bot. Meaning on_step you can call common.minerals.


There are five types of data identifiers.

  • Unit Types: zergling, marine, zealot, gateway, warpgate, barracks, flying barracks, etc.

  • Abilities: attack, stop, build, morph, lift, land, casting specials, etc.

  • Buffs (incl. nerfs): cloaked, neural parasite, carrying minerals/gas, etc.

  • Effects: scanner sweep, psi storm, corrosive bile, etc.

  • Upgrades: tunneling claws, stimpack, ground weapons level 2, psi storm tech, etc.

A few thousand constants are generated from the game’s stableids.json for your auto-completion convenience.

class examples
Api::UnitTypeId Api::UnitTypeId::ZERGLING, Api::UnitTypeId::BARRACKS

Bot identity

method desc Fast/Med/Slow
name bot name F
race race selected. this is updated if set Random F
enemy Sc2::Player::Enemy F
enemy.race enemy race selected. if Random, set after first seen unit. callback: on_random_race_detected F
enemy.name enemy name F
enemy.type :Participant, :Computer F

Common info

method desc Fast/Med/Slow
game_loop incrementing int. timekeeping. nr of frames since start F
common.minerals mineral count, ui top right F
common.vespene gas, ui top right F
common.food_cap supply available, ui top-right F
common.food_used supply used, ui top-right F
common.food_army army supply, ui hover supply icon F
common.food_workers worker supply, ui hover supply icon F
common.idle_worker_count idlers, ui bottom left icon F
common.army_count unit count (not supply value) F
common.warp_gate_count Protoss: nr of warp gates F
common.larva_count Zerg: nr of larva F
common.player_id int identifier F

Units / Group selection


The Api refers to units and structures collectively as Api::Unit.
We refer to units as “units” and structures as “structures” and collectively as capital Unit.

Api::Unit is a protobuf Message object with methods added for ease.
Each unit or structure is of type Api::Unit.
It has attributes, such as unit.health and unit.pos.x / unit.pos.y to get it’s position.
Unique Id: Each Unit has an integer unique identifier called #tag; you will use unit.tag to identify units.

Sc2::UnitGroup is a construct of our own.
Units are contained in a Hash/Array hybrid which can perform actions such as #attack, #build, #train etc.
The 10 in-game “Control Groups” aren’t useful at this scale; UnitGroup is a programmatic alternative.

Sc2::UnitGroup#units holds Hash<unit.tag, unit>

Basic Unit selection and collection

Bot#all_units holds everything, allied/enemy, units or structures.
Bot#units holds allied group of units only
Bot#structures holds allied group of structures
UnitGroup offers filters such as #workers which returns a new group, containing only workers.

All for now, the full reference table is below these basic examples.

class MyBot < Sc2::Player::Bot
  def on_step

    # Random example worker from UnitGroup units.workers
    specific_worker = units.workers.random
    first_worker = units.workers.at(0) # = units.workers.first 
    # Get a unit tag (unique id)
    specific_worker.tag #=> Integer
    # Get all unit tags in a group
    units.workers.tags #=> Array<Integer> of all unit tags = unit_group.units.keys

    # Look up a specific unit in a UnitGroup by tag
    units.workers[specific_worker.tag] #=> returns specific_worker

    # New empty unit group
    unit_group = Sc2::UnitGroup.new()
    # or create from existing group or an Array<Api::Unit>
    unit_group = Sc2::UnitGroup.new(other_ug)
    unit_group = Sc2::UnitGroup.new(arr_units)
    # Add a unit / Remove a unit
    # Add, subtract as you see fit, i.e. if you have some units assigned as a forward army
    home_army = units.army.subtract(forward_army)
    home_army = units.army - forward_army
    # Hash sub-/supersets sets can be useful (<, <=, =>, >)
    # i.e. subset: are we sure all our flying units are present in the forward army?
    forward_army > units.army.select_attribute(:Flying) #=> bool: true if all flying units present


Every filter returns a new UnitGroup (cached), so you can chain and re-use without additional performance cost.

# Filter with blocks
injured = units.army.filter { |unit| unit.health < 100.0 }

# Filter on type(s)
units.army.select_type([Api::UnitTypeId::BANELINGBURROWED, Api::UnitTypeId::BANELING])

# Filter on attribute(s)
units.select_attribute(Api::Attribute::Structure) # rather use #structures
units.army.select_attribute([Api::Attribute::Mechanical, Api::Attribute::Armored])

# Filters allow #not, which makes the immediate next filter be the inverse
# Select structures which are not creep tumors and not spine crawlers

Global data

method type of Api::Unit’s in UnitGroup Fast/Med/Slow
all_units full, unfiltered list of units+structures F
effects effects such as psi storm, lurker spikes F
neutral.minerals mineral patches F
neutral.geyser gas geysers F
neutral.watchtowers Xel’Naga watchtowers F
neutral.debris destructible debris F

Your Units and Structures

method type of Api::Unit’s in UnitGroup Fast/Med/Slow
structures with attribute :Structure F
structures.hq Command Centres, PF, Nexus, Hatch, Lair, Hive F
structures.townhalls Command Centres, PF, Nexus, Hatch, Lair, Hive F
structures.bases Command Centres, PF, Nexus, Hatch, Lair, Hive F
structures.gas gas structures (Refinery, Assimulator, Extractor) F
structures.creep_tumors Zerg creep tumors (any) F
structures.creep_tumors_burrowed Zerg creep tumors burrowed underground F
structures.pylons / structures.warpables Protoss pylons F
structures.warpgates Protoss warp gates F
structures.not.creep_tumors all structures excluding creep tumors F
units not attribute :Structure F
units.workers SCV, Probe, Drone + Burrowed F
units.larva Zerg larva F
units.queens Zerg queen F
units.overlords Zerg overlords F
units.army units without: workers, queens, overlords, larva F
units.warpables Protoss warp prism F

Enemy units

Same as Bot’s unit and structures template, but prefixed with enemy.

method type of Api::Unit’s in UnitGroup Fast/Med/Slow
enemy.all_units enemy only, all units+structures F
enemy.structures with attribute :Structure F
enemy.structures.hq Command Centres, PF, Nexus, Hatch, Lair, Hive F
enemy.structures.townhalls Command Centres, PF, Nexus, Hatch, Lair, Hive F
enemy.structures.bases Command Centres, PF, Nexus, Hatch, Lair, Hive F
enemy.structures.gas gas structures (Refinery, Assimulator, Extractor) F
enemy.structures.creep_tumors Zerg creep tumors (any) F
enemy.structures.creep_tumors_burrowed Zerg creep tumors burrowed underground F
enemy.structures.pylons / structures.warpables Protoss pylons F
enemy.structures.warpgates Protoss warp gates F
enemy.units not attribute :Structure F
enemy.units.workers SCV, Probe, Drone + Burrowed F
enemy.units.larva Zerg larva F
enemy.units.queens Zerg queen F
enemy.units.overlords Zerg overlords F
enemy.units.army units without: workers, queens, overlords, larva F
enemy.structures.not.creep_tumors all structures excluding creep tumors F
enemy.units.warpables Protoss warp prism F

Unit Group filters

Common methods you can use on Sc2::UnitGroup to filter properties.

method desc Fast/Med/Slow
select_type select on Api::UnitTypeId F
reject_type rejects on Api::UnitTypeId F
select_attribute select on Api::Attribute F
reject_attribute rejects on Api::Attribute F
filter(&block) true/false from block: ug.filter(&:is_flying?) F
nearest_to(pos:, amount:) nearest unit(s) to position M
select_in_circle(point:, radius:) only units in circle M
not inverses next filter M

Creating your own filters

units.workers is just a helper method executing the filter UnitGroup#select_type, as is units.army.
You can add a filter to UnitGroup by re-opening the class and defining your own filter methods.

# in my_unit_group_extensions.rb
module Sc2
  class UnitGroup
    # The efficient way to use this is sub-filter from `units.army`, because it loops less.
    # i.e. units.army.zealots, even though the method also exists for units.zealots and any other unit group
    def zealots
    # units.army.roaches
    # enemy.units.army.roaches
    def roaches
      select_type([Api::UnitTypeId::ROACH, Api::UnitTypeId::ROACHBURROWED])

Performing actions / giving orders

We refer to an order or command as an “Action”.

Api::Actions can be performed from both the context of Bot, Unit or UnitGroup. Sending raw actions from Bot requires that you pass the source Unit(s). The advantage of performing actions on Units/UnitGroups is one less param and better reading code.

An action requires an ability_id, such as Api::AbilityId::ATTACK, Api::AbilityId::SMART, etc. “SMART” is the equivalent of performing a right-click in-game.
Sometimes an action requires a target which is a position Api::Point2D or a target Api::Unit.

Let’s inspect Unit Group first and it’s action helper methods.

UnitGroup actions

method desc Fast/Med/Slow
action(ability_id:, target: ) makes a group perform a raw ability, i.e. Api::AbilityId::TERRANBUILD_BARRACKS F
build(unit_type_id:, target: …) units.workers.build(unit_type_id: Api::UnitTypeId::BARRACKS, …)
provide the unit type and target, the ability id is calculated for you.
smart(target: …) right-click on a point or a unit, i.e. attack a unit, go into a bunker, mine a mineral F
attack(target: …) attacks a Unit or attack-moves to position. units.army.attack(…) F
warp(unit_type_id:, target: …) Protoss: structures.warpgates.warp(unit_type_id: Api::UnitTypeId::STALKER, target: point_2d_target).
geo.warp_points is helpful. see example.
repair(target: …) terran: units.workers.repair(target: injured_unit_or_structure) F

Here’s an example using Protoss warp for five stalkers. We use the unit group structures.warpgates as the source for this action.

def on_step
  enemy_main = geo.enemy_start_position

  if can_afford?(unit_type_id: Api::UnitTypeId::STALKER, quantity: 5)

    # Find the nearest energy source, typically a Pylon (Api::Unit)
    energy_source = structures.warpables.nearest_to(pos: enemy_main)

    # geo.warp_points finds an array of 2D coordinates inside the power field
    # it matches the size of the unit_type_id passed, so they don't overlap
    points = geo.warp_points(source: energy_source,
                         unit_type_id: Api::UnitTypeId::STALKER)

    # Pick the 5 facing the enemy base's position
    points = points.min_by(5) { |p| p.distance_to(enemy_main) }

    # For UnitGroup structures.warpgates, tell them all to warp in stalkers at provided point
    points.each do |point|
      structures.warpgates.warp(unit_type_id: Api::UnitTypeId::STALKER, target: point)

Action queue / scheduling (Shift+Click)

All action methods have a queue_command: parameter (omitted here for brevity), which queues this action after the others.
This is akin to a Shift+Click in-game.
It always defaults to false, so when giving multiple instructions to one unit per frame, only the last action is executed.

When queue_command: is set to true, the action you are sending will not override the previous command, but perform after it in sequence.
It’s handy for set-and-forget actions like constructing a structure and then queuing the worker to go mine afterwards.

Unit actions

The signatures match UnitGroup, with the exception of warp which is really meant for a group of warpgates.

One addition is #attack_with. We generally contextualize from our own units, but stylistically you can perform inverse of UnitGroup#attack on an enemy unit.
For instance, you spot a ghost launching a nuke and you need to attack it quick with any 3 army units nearby.

hit_squad = enemy_ghost_unit.nearest(units: units.army, amount: 3)
enemy_ghost_unit.attack_with(units: hit_squad)
# synonymous with:
hit_squad.attack(target: enemy_ghost_unit)
method desc Fast/Med/Slow
unit.action(ability_id:, target: ) makes a group perform a raw ability, i.e. Api::AbilityId::TERRANBUILD_BARRACKS F
unit.build(unit_type_id:, target: …) units.workers.build(unit_type_id: Api::UnitTypeId::BARRACKS, …)
provide the unit type and location, the ability id is calculated for you.
unit.smart(target: …) right-click on a point or a unit, i.e. attack a unit, go into a bunker, mine a mineral F
unit.attack(target: …) attacks a Unit or attack-moves to position. units.army.attack(…) F
unit.attack_with(units: …) attacks self with supplied units:. single_enemy.attack_with(units: units.army) F
unit.repair(target: …) terran: units.workers.repair(target: injured_unit_or_structure) F

You are always welcome to perform requests, however raw, directly from Bot#api or use some of the built-in Bot Action helpers.
See the Api Requests section for a breakdown of raw commands and Bot Actions for convenience methods built on-top of them.

Unit Data

We want you to explore the protobuf protocol definitions. It is the best reference for information which comes back from the Api.

Below is an extract from the message Unit in a table.
For each of these properties you can use dot notation to access the property, i.e. unit.health.

We also provide unit.previous, if you need to compare the current state vs the previous state, i.e.

puts "taking shield damage!" if unit.shield < unit.previous.shield 
# ... side-note: rather implement callback on_unit_damaged(unit, amount)
attribute desc Fast/Med/Slow
unit.tag unique id F
unit.unit_type correspondes to Api::UnitTypeId::NAME F
unit.owner player id F
unit.pos Point - 3d position with #x,#y,#z F
unit.facing facing direction in radians F
unit.radius radius of unit model F
unit.build_progress range [0.0, 1.0] F
unit.cloak See CloakState F
unit.buff_ids array of Api::BuffId::NAME F
unit.detect_range detection range F
unit.radar_range sensor tower range F
unit.is_selected unit selected in game F
unit.is_on_screen unit on screen in game F
unit.is_blip detected by sensor tower F
unit.is_powered protoss: has power F
unit.is_active building is training/researching (i.e. animated) F
unit.attack_upgrade_level int 0,1,2,3 F
unit.armor_upgrade_level int 0,1,2,3 F
unit.shield_upgrade_level int 0,1,2,3 F
unit.health float F
unit.health_max float F
unit.shield float F
unit.shield_max float F
unit.energy float F
unit.energy_max float F
unit.mineral_contents minerals F
unit.vespene_contents geyser / gas building F
unit.is_flying above ground level F
unit.is_burrowed under ground level F
unit.is_hallucination unit is your own or detected as a hallucination F
unit.orders your unit’s orders (UnitOrder) F
unit.add_on_tag terran: the id of the add-on building F
unit.passengers array of PassengerUnit. has PassengerUnit#tag F
unit.cargo_space_taken bunkers, medivacs, warp prism, etc. F
unit.cargo_space_max bunkers, medivacs, warp prism, etc. F
unit.assigned_harvesters for use with base structure F
unit.ideal_harvesters for use with base/harvesting structure F
unit.weapon_cooldown F
unit.engaged_target_tag F
unit.buff_duration_remain how long a buff or unit is still around (eg mule, broodling, chronoboost) F
unit.buff_duration_max F
unit.rally_targets array of RallyTarget. always has #point (Point), could be rallied to unit via #tag. F

But that’s NOT all.
See Static Unit Data below for more fixed meta information about Unit Type, such as weapon damage, range, etc.

Unit Events

This library generally offers two ways to access events which occurred, @event_* attributes or by overriding ano on_* callback.
The callbacks sometimes provide more context than just a Unit list, i.e. on_unit_damaged(unit, amount) provides the amount of damage for you.

All attributes below return a Sc2::UnitGroup containing Api::Unit‘s involved in the event.
This table provides events and callbacks available, with an example below.

attribute callback desc Fast/Med/Slow
event_units_created on_unit_created(unit) units only. probe or marine trained F
event_structures_started on_structure_started(unit) structure in physical progress. not completed. F
event_structures_completed on_structure_completed(unit) structure completes F
event_units_type_changed on_unit_type_changed(unit, previous_unit_type_id) morphs. baneling morph, viking land, etc. F
event_units_damaged on_unit_damaged(unit, amount) hp or shields took damage, but unit is not destroyed F
event_units_destroyed on_unit_destroyed(dead_unit) you heard the news that you’re dead F

Example handling of dead units

From your Bot, you can read the UnitGroup @event_units_destroyed on_step for all Units which got destroyed in the last frame.
Even though those Units are not present in this frame, their Api::Unit objects are available, should like like to know, i.e. where something died and of what type.
For example, if an SCV died, you can read last frame’s Api::Unit#orders (dead_unit.orders). If it wanted to build an expansion, you might want to retry or expand elsewhere.

You can loop over units in @event_units_destroyed or receive a callback by overriding (implementing) on_unit_destroyed.
The callbacks occur after the game has ticked forward, but before on_step.
Typically the callbacks come in the form of individual units, where the @event_* properties contain the whole list.

Here’s an example, which attempts to save nearby workers after an orbital command structure is destroyed by the enemy.

class MyBot < Sc2::Player::Bot
  # Define the callback in your bot
  def on_unit_destroyed(dead_unit)
    # Custom logic
    if dead_unit.unit_type == Api::UnitTypeId::ORBITALCOMMAND && dead_unit.alliance == :Self
      # Dead base. Make SCV's mine a nearby mineral at the nearest base
      endangered = units.workers.select_in_circle(point: dead_unit.pos, radius:8)
      new_base = structures.bases.nearest_to(pos: dead_unit.pos)
      # Go mine nearby using right-click aka "smart" action
      endangered.smart(target: neutral.minerals.nearest_to(pos: new_base))
  def on_step
    # Alternatively, read the events attribute
    @event_units_destroyed.select_type(Api::UnitTypeId::ORBITALCOMMAND).each do |dead_unit|
      next unless dead_unit.alliance == :Self
      # Dead base. Same logic as above...
    # Or even case by type
    @event_units_destroyed.filter{ |u| u.alliance == :Self }.each do |dead_unit|
      case dead_unit.unit_type
      when *Sc2::UnitGroup::TYPE_BASES  # Covers all bases. CC/PF/Orbital
        # Dead base. Same logic as above...

The approach you take is stylistic. That covers Unit events, but there are additional callbacks below, once we learn about the match lifecycle.


Typically handled by Match or the ladder runner, the bot will automatically connect to the host and create/join a server. The first game state observation is made and bot is readied.

From here the lifecycle is as follows:

As a bare minimum you merely need to implement on_step. Observation and stepping is handled internally.


Having examined the Lifecycle, here’s a list of the callbacks you can implement.
You can override these in your bot for additional features.

method desc Fast/Med/Slow
on_start override to perform work before first on_step gets called -
on_step the main game loop. called after stepping + new state observation. -
on_parse_observation_unit(unit) called before step for each Unit after observation. use this to decorate Unit before on_step -
on_actions_performed(actions) called before step with actions you performed since last Observation -
on_action_errors(errors) called before step if errors are present (errors = equivalent to red text) _
on_alerts(alerts) called before step with alerts. nuke launch, nydus, etc. _
on_upgrades_completed(upgrade_ids) called before step with completed upgrade ids. _
on_random_race_detected(race) called before step when Random enemy race discovered first _
on_finish(result) game over. result of :Victory, :Defeat or :Tie -

These act just like the optional unit callbacks from Unit Events above. You define these methods in your bot for them to take effect.

class MyBot < Sc2::Player::Bot
  def on_start
    # load sqlite or flat files from ./data/* or do map parsing preparations
    # check win-rate versus opponent and select your best build
    # etc.
  def on_finish(result)
    # Make a note of which strategy you chose for this opponent
    # and whether `result` was a :Victory.

Observation of game state

While there are many niceties, realtime data can also be accessed in it’s raw form.
The bulk of which is in #observation, which we parse to fill #units and #structures, callbacks, etc.
Game info (#game_info) is slightly less important, holds less info and is only called if needed.

Bot#debug_json_observation gives you a json dump of the #observation in ./data/debug_observation.json for casual review.
This might be easier to nagivate than #observation.inspect, due to it’s size.

Below are some game state and miscellaneous utility methods from Sc2::Player::Bot.

method desc Fast/Med/Slow
game_loop incrementing int. timekeeping. nr of frames since start F
observation observation data as per Api::Observation from protobuf F
game_info Api::GameInfo from protobuf. will make api request + cache if stale. M
previous all game state info for previous frame stored, i.e. previous.structures F
chats_received read chat messages F
result :Victory, :Defeat, :Tie. use #on_finish callback instead. F
status :in_game, :launched, etc. F
spent_minerals virtually tracked mineral spend this step F
spent_supply virtually tracked supply spend this step F
spent_vespene virtually tracked vespene spend this step F
can_afford?(unit_type_id:, quantity: 1) internal bookkeeping tracks every spent resource for build/train/morph.
checks affordability for a Unit type (mineral/gas/supply).
debug_json_observation saves observation to ‘./data/debug_observation.json` M

Observation Layers

Before we talk about making Api requests, we should mention that there are several ways to interact with the game.
By default we use the Raw layer which is data communication only.
The Api providers additional layers which can be turned on simultaneously, namely the Render Layer and the Feature Layer.

Raw Layer (always on)

The default - all data is communicated via protobuf in what you can liken to a huge JSON dump of everything you need to know.
If something has a visual queue, like “Cloaked” (hidden), the data tells us this.
Similarly if there is a radar circle on the map, the api tells us this too.
The minimap is provided in bit map format, which we parse into a Numo array for efficiency.

Render Layer (not used)

The Render layer provides a visual view of the game in low quality. You see what the human sees.
Due to the data transfer cost, this layer is not used in competitive AI.
It’s good for hobbyists who want to see what the game sees in ML, but it’s outshone by an even better ML layer, the Feature Layer.

Feature Layer (optional)

Advanced, and not necessary for most botters.
The feature layer provides access to a virtual UI, such as the player sees on the HUD in-game.
You can perform physical clicks on buttons. The center panel (“multi-panel”) is available for you to review.

The Feature Layer is almost exclusively used to fill in one or two missing parts from the Raw Layer, like unloading individual units.
While Raw’s Api::AbilityId::UNLOADALL works just fine for most cases, you can have fine-grained control by focussing and “clicking” specific buttons.

Enabling the feature layer comes at a few millisecond performance cost as it doubles the network throughput of RequestObservation.

To enable this layer, set @enable_feature_layer in your Bot’s configure method, which is called post-init, but before the server is joined.

class MyBot < Sc2::Player::Bot
  def configure
    @enable_feature_layer = true

Feature layer actions

When enabled you can perform requests prefixed with:

  • Bot#action_spatial* (i.e. action_spatial_unit_selection_rect)

  • Bot#action_ui* (i.e. action_ui_cargo_panel_unload)

See Sc2::Player::Actions.

Api Requests

Requests can be called on your api connection.
Any request will be Slow as it takes a few milliseconds to talk to the client.
You can perform these on Bot#api, i.e. api.available_maps will return an array of maps available.

For most methods, there are helper method alternatives at the Bot level. See Bot Actions for convenience methods to these raw api requests below.

If you are interested in sending raw commands, you should be familiar with the protobuf definitions and/or have the .proto files handy for reference.

method desc Fast/Med/Slow
api.ping tests connection. returns client information S
api.available_maps returns directory of maps that can be played on S
api.create_game send to host to initialize game S
api.join_game joins a game S
api.step(step_count = 1) ticks game loop forward by nr of steps S
api.restart_game restarts. single player only S
api.leave_game disconnects from a multiplayer game S
api.request_quick_save saves game to an in-memory bookmark S
api.request_quick_load loads from quick save S
api.quit quits and closes client. does not work on ladder S
api.data data about different gameplay elements. may be different for different games. S
api.game_info static data about the current game and map S
api.observation snapshot of the current game state S
api.query additional methods for inspecting game state. synchronous and must wait on response S
api.query_pathings pathing specific query helper S
api.query_abilities queries one or more ability availability checks S
api.query_abilities_for_unit_tags helper making ability queries using unit tags S
api.query_placements query if locations are placeable S
api.action executes an array of [Api::Action] for a participant.
rather use Bot#action* for batching.
api.debug display debug information and execute debug actions.
rather use Bot#debug* methods for batching.
api.save_replay gets replay binary data S
api.replay_info query game information about a replay without watching S
api.start_replay for watching replays S
api.observer_action move camera / follow player actions supported. S
api.observer_action_camera_move observer only, camera move action helper S

Bot Actions

See Sc2::Player::Actions.

method desc Fast/Med/Slow
queue_action helper for queueing bare-bone Api::Action (any type) for this step S
action Best way to queue an action. most other methods pass through here. does ‘Api::ActionRawUnitCommand` S
build abstracts action, detects correct ability from a passed unit type
build(unit_type_id: Api::UnitTypeId::BARRACKS, …
warp Protoss: structures.warpgates.warp(…) to warp in units S
action_raw_toggle_autocast enable/disable auto-cast for units S
action_raw_camera_move moves camera S
action_raw_unit_command helper for doing queue_action with an Api::ActionRawUnitCommand S
action_chat send a chat message via channel :Broadcast or :Team. S
action_spatial_unit_command Feature Layer: unit command S
action_spatial_camera_move Feature Layer: move camera S
action_spatial_unit_selection_point Feature Layer: click on unit/minimap S
action_spatial_unit_selection_rect Feature Layer: box units S
action_ui_control_group Feature Layer: set/select control groups S
action_ui_select_army Feature Layer: select army hotkey S
action_ui_select_warp_gates Feature Layer: select warp gate hotkey S
action_ui_select_larva Feature Layer: select larva gate hotkey S
action_ui_select_idle_worker Feature Layer: select idle workers gate hotkey S
action_ui_multi_panel Feature Layer: control the center bottom panel S
action_ui_cargo_panel_unload Feature Layer: control cargo displays in multi panel S
action_ui_production_panel_remove_from_queue Feature Layer: remove unit from production in multi panel S
action_ui_toggle_autocast Feature Layer: enable/disable auto-cast for units S

Given these, will have no reason to perform raw Api commands.

Debug Actions

For local, offline play only, you can use the debug methods to draw shapes and modify world behaviour such as instant-build and spawing/killing units.
Debug commands are useful for setting up specific test scenarios.
These commands are stripped at network layer on the competitive aiarena ladder.

method desc Fast/Med/Slow
debug_create_unit(unit_type_id:, owner:, pos:, quantity: 1) Spawns a quantity of units under an owner at position given. S
debug_draw_box(point:, radius: 0.5, color: nil) Draws a box around position xy at base of z. S
debug_draw_line(p0:, p1:, color: nil) Draws a line between two Api::Point’s for color. S
debug_draw_sphere(point:, radius: 1.0, color: nil) Debug draws a sphere at position with a radius in color. S
debug_end_game(end_result:) Ends game with a specified result of either Surrender or DeclareVictory. S
debug_game_state(command) Toggles cheat commands on/off (send only once to enable) See: Api::DebugGameState for values, i.e. Api::DebugGameState::Fast_build S
debug_kill_unit(unit_tags:) Kills a target unit or unit tag. S
debug_print(text, size: 14) Prints debug text top left corner. S
debug_set_unit_value(unit_tag:, unit_value:, value:) Sets unit_value Energy, Life or Shields for a specific unit tag to given value. S
queue_debug_command(debug_command) Queues debug command for performing later. S

Geometry / Map


Targeting on the API is often for a 2D location Api::Point2D.
Our Api:Unit positions are 3d, in the form of Api::Point (via unit.pos), but there are several position types.

The library provides the uniform Sc2::Position, to ease geometric interoperability. You can sum a 3D Point with a 2D Point2D and get a resulting Point2D, which ignores the z-axis. Proto objects Api::Point, Api::Point2D,Api::PointI,Api::Size2DI are additionally type Sc2::Position which respond to #x and #y.

An array of [x,y] coordinates can be turned into a Api::Point2D with Array#to_p2d. Here are some frequent conversions you might do to get a target Api::Point2D.

# Creating directly
Api::Point[x, y]  #=> <Api::Point2D: x: ..., y: ...>
Api::Point2D.new(x: some_x, y: some_y)   #=> <Api::Point2D: x: ..., y: ...>

# Convert array coordinate pair [x, y]
[1.0, 2.0].to_p2d #=> <Api::Point2D: x: 1.0, y: 2.0>

# Unit.pos (Api::Point) conversion
some_unit.pos.to_2d #=> <Api::Point2D: x: ..., y: ...>

target keyword
Additionally, most abstracted targets which require either a 2D position (Api::Point2D) or a unit’s tag (Integer).
The target: keyword param in methods lets you know it accepts either.
To preserve syntactic flow without the need to type-cast as often, when you see “target”, you can pass any reasonable type.


Coordinate system

Games generally use XY coordinates with the origin bottom-left, so [0.0, 0.0] is at the origin, bottom left.

Maps have a maximum 255 width/height [0 to 254, 0 to 254].
The maps are clamped to the dimensions it was created at and dont have to be square, i.e. a “2000AtmoshperesAIE” is 144 x 132 (width by height).

The library returns maps in the form Numo arrays for speed and processing. If you intend on using raw map info (instead of the helper methods below), we encourage you to learn about Numo which is Ruby’s NumPy equivalent.

The map data comes in the form two arrays, where the outermost holds rows and the inner holds columns. If these were pure Ruby arrays, you’d call them like this parsed_visiblity_grid[y][x] ❌,
but the Numo lookup is one method with two params parsed_visiblity_grid[y, x] ✅.
The 10th column, second from the bottom is therefore parsed_visiblity_grid[1, 9].

Through the library the only time where X/Y is swapped is when working with raw map data.

Raw map data

Has Y amount of rows corresponding to map height and X amount of columns corresponding with map width.

method desc Fast/Med/Slow
geo.parsed_placement_grid boolean: map tiles marked placeable. static. F
geo.parsed_terrain_height float: z position (height) of tile. static. F
geo.parsed_pathing_grid boolean: pathable tiles. updates to reflect buildings. S, then cached 2 frames
geo.parsed_visibility_grid boolean: minimap visibility. int flag 0,1,2 S, then cached 2 frames
geo.parsed_creep boolean: minimap Zerg’s creep spread F
geo.parsed_power_grid boolean: Protoss’ powered tiles F

For a visual aid, you can print the entire parsed_pathing_grid to console as 0’s and 1’s.

# We reverse here (Numo::NArray#flipud) before we print, otherwise the map is vertically flipped.
geo.parsed_pathing_grid.flipud.each_over_axis(0) do |row|
  puts row.to_a.join("")

Typically, you’d want to use the helper methods such as map_visible?(x:, y:) or placeable?(x:, y:), see table below.

Map, Minimap & Geometric helpers

Bot#geo gives an instance of Sc2::Player::Geometry.
From the context of your bot, you can access the following map/geo methods:

method desc Fast/Med/Slow
geo.map_width map tile width. Range is 1-255 F
geo.map_height map tile height. Range is 1-255 F
geo.map_tile_range_x range 0..(map_width - 1). useful for x.clamp() to stay in map bounds F
geo.map_tile_range_y range 0..(map_height - 1). useful for y.clamp() to stay in map bounds F
geo.powered?(x:, y:) whether a x/y block is powered F
geo.pathable?(x:, y:) whether a x/y block is pathable as per minimap F
geo.terrain_height(x:, y:) float height (z position) of tile (-16.0 to 16.0) F
geo.visibility(x:, y:) visibility indicator: 0=Hidden,1= Snapshot,2=Visible F
geo.map_visible?(x:, y:) whether the point (tile) is currently in vision F
geo.map_seen?(x:, y:) whether point (tile) has been seen before or currently visible F
geo.map_unseen?(x:, y:) has never been seen/explored before (dark fog) F
geo.creep?(x:, y:) Zerg: whether a tile has creep on it, as per minimap F
geo.expansions Gets expos and surrounding minerals.
‘[Hash<Api::Point2D, UnitGroup>]` Location => UnitGroup of resources (minerals+geysers)
geo.expansion_points Returns a list of 2D points for expansion build locations
= geo.expansions.keys
geo.expansions_unoccupied a slice of #expansions where a base hasn’t been built yet M
geo.build_coordinates(length:, on_creep: false, in_power: false) buildable point grid for squares of size, i.e. 3 = 3x3 placements M
geo.build_placement_near(length:, target:, random: 1) gets a buildable location for a square of length, near target. <br/>can randomly select between ‘random` number of possible points for robustness. M
geo.points_nearest_linear(source:, target:, offset: 0.0, increment: 1.0, count: 1) find points on a straight line. equally spaced from a source to a target. line units in a row. F
geo.point_random_near(pos:, offset: 1.0) a random point near a location with a positive/negative offset magnitude. scatter units. F
geo.point_random_on_circle(pos:, radius: 1.0) a random point on a circle’s circumference. fan units around point. F
geo.warp_points(source:, unit_type_id: ) Protoss: warp locations at a power source, for the width of a unit type. M

Position (Point and Vector math)

When you get into “micro”, the micro-management of unit actions for performance or strategic gain, these basic geometric helpers will get you started.

As mentioned above, Api::Unit#pos returns a 3d Api::Point which conforms to Sc2::Position.
When targeting or working with coordinates, you generally work with Api::Point2D, which also conforms to Sc2::Position.
You thereby interoperate between the various coordinate types using common ground and without too type conversion.

Let’s review what you can do with unit.pos using these Sc2::Position methods.

method desc Fast/Med/Slow
add(other) ⇒ Api::Point2D (also: #+) a new point representing the sum of this point and the other point
pos.add(other_pos) or: pos + other_pos
subtract(other) ⇒ Api::Point2D (also: #-) returns a new point representing the difference between this point and the other point/number. F
divide(scalar) ⇒ Api::Point2D (also: #/) a new point representing this point divided by the scalar. F
multiply(scalar) ⇒ Api::Point2D (also: #*) returns this point multiplied by the scalar F
cross_product(other) ⇒ Float the cross product of this vector and the other vector. F
dot(other) ⇒ Float the dot product of this vector and the other vector. F
angle_to(other) ⇒ Float the angle between this vector and the other vector, in radians. F
away_from(other, distance) ⇒ Point2D moves in direction away from the other point by distance. F
distance_squared_to(other) ⇒ Float the squared distance between this point and the other point. F
distance_to(other) ⇒ Float calculates the distance between self and other Sc2::Position F
distance_to_circle(center, radius) ⇒ Float distance from this point to the circle. returns 0 if point is inside circle F
distance_to_coordinate(x:, y:) ⇒ Float distance between this point and coordinate of x and y F
lerp(other, scale) ⇒ Api::Point2D linear interpolation between this point and another for scale Finds a point on a line between two points at % along the way F
magnitude ⇒ Float for vector returns the magnitude, synonymous with Math.hypot F
normalize ⇒ Api::Point2D a new point representing the normalized version of this vector (unit length) F
offset(x, y) ⇒ Api::Point2D creates a new point with x and y which is offset F
offset!(x, y) ⇒ Sc2::Position changes this point’s x and y by the supplied offset. F
random_offset(offset) ⇒ Api::Point2D randomly adjusts both x and y by a range of: -offset..offset. F
random_offset!(offset) ⇒ Sc2::Position changes this point’s x and y by the supplied offset. F
towards(other, distance) ⇒ Point2D moves in direction towards other point by distance. F

This is the most likely area which will gain expansion over time, so review the class Sc2::Position for updates.

Static Data

There is a large amount of structure game data available, which doesn’t pertain to state but rather the built-in game attributes.
What if you wanted to know the type of damage a Weapon does, a unit’s vision range or how much an upgrade costs?

The Bot#data grants access to information via Sc2::Data.


See Sc2::Data and the data protocol file at github.com/Blizzard/s2client-proto/blob/master/s2clientprotocol/data.proto.

method desc Fast/Med/Slow
data.abilities [ability_id] Hash<Integer, Api::AbilityData> AbilityId => AbilityData F
data.upgrades [upgrade_id] Hash<Integer, Api::UpgradeData> UpgradeId => UpgradeData F
data.units [unit_type_id] Hash<Integer, Api::UnitTypeData> UnitTypeId => UnitTypeData F
data.effects just a list, use ‘Api::EffectId` directly F
data.buffs just a list, use ‘Api::BuffId` directly F

Static Unit data

Data as it pertains to a specific unit’s data type can be accessed via the convenience method Api::Unit#unit_data.

# Consider you select a marine
fighter = units.army.select_type(Api::UnitTypeId::MARINE).random

# Print info about unit type MARINE
pp fighter.unit_data 

# Or from the context of your Bot, pass in a marine to get info about type MARINE
pp unit_data(fighter)

# Or by using a UnitTypeId directly
pp unit_data(Api::UnitTypeId::MARINE)

These are all equal.

Real-time data vs static

The Data class brings data from the current game, once before on_start. It is fixed for the entire game.
some_unit.unit_data (which calls data.units) will not change, nor will data.abilities[...]

All actual Api::Unit properties are realtime, for this moment, refreshed on each Observation.
See the protobuf message Unit for a list of such properties or run #inspect on a Unit to observe it’s attributes.

Static Ability data vs Query

As above with unit_data, Bot#ability_data(ability_id) can provide static information surrounding a specific ability.

Can a unit use the ability?
Conversely, if you need dynamic information about which abilities the unit can perform right now, you can run a Query for that information.
This will show, i.e. if a specific Ghost can Nuke or whether a Gateway can warp a Stalker, etc.

query_abilities_for_unit_tags(some_unit.tag, ignore_resource_requirements: true)

Tech tree

Courtesy of the brilliant work of the python crew, Dentosal and BuRny <3.
If you wish to do meta programming based on the game’s tech requirement structure, you can use the tech Api::TechTree.

All calls are statically made to the class.

method desc Fast/Med/Slow
Api::TechTree.creates_unit_types(unit_type_id:) what unit types a specific unit type can produce. Barracks->Marine/Marauder/Reaper F
Api::TechTree.unit_created_from(unit_type_id:) returns the unit type which can create this unit. Marine->Barracks F
Api::TechTree.unit_type_creation_abilities(source:, target: nil) which units can be created at source + the ability to trigger it. F
Api::TechTree.unit_type_creation_ability_id(source:, target:) which ability id creates the target, given the source unit/building F
Api::TechTree.upgrade_researched_from(upgrade_id:) what the unit type an upgrade is researched from F


The library talks to SC2 over Google Protobuf.
The .proto files ship with the gem but their original source is available here for review:
Proto: github.com/Blizzard/s2client-proto/tree/master/s2clientprotocol
Overview: github.com/Blizzard/s2client-proto/blob/master/docs/protocol.md


The code forces you to know at all times whether you’re working with the library or api objects.
Sc2 namespace is for gem internals.
Api namespace is for protocol data and Message objects.

Functionality might be added to Api object, such as Api::Unit#attack for programming ease.
hero_marine.attack(target: ...) is a more desirable usage than working from the bot instead, i.e.

class MyBot < Sc2::Player::Bot
  def on_step

    marines = units.army.select_type(Api::UnitTypeId::MARINE)
    hero_marine = marines.first
    # Example raw action command for unit from Bot
    api.send_request_for(action: Api::RequestAction.new(
      actions: [Api::Action.new(
        action_raw: Api::ActionRaw.new(
          unit_command: Api::ActionRawUnitCommand.new(
            ability_id: Api::AbilityId::ATTACK,
            source: hero_marine.tag,
            target_unit_tag: #...
    # Simplified with helper method action_raw_unit_command
    action_raw_unit_command(unit_tags: hero_marine.tag, 
                                ability_id: Api::AbilityId::ATTACK, 
                                target_unit_tag: #... 
    # But from the context of a Unit, using #attack extension,
    # this code feels better than both.
    hero_marine.attack(target: ) #...
    # (unit groups, same syntax as Unit) 
    # marines.attack(target: #...)

Therefore, sometimes Api objects such as Api::Unit or Api::Point2D will do Sc2-type work and be more than just store information or be a target for an action request.
It will be to your own benefit to actually reference the class documentation. If you open up Api::Unit, this will be immediately apparent.

Verbose by design

References are verbose by default and mimics the proto definition, which is good for your immersion.
If you target something from the Api, you have to type “Api” and you learn about the Api. Yay!

However, this means you often triple-bang into constants, i.e. Api::AbilityId::RALLY_BUILDING.
Once you’ve mastered everything, feel free to reduce verbosity in any way you see fit.

# Option A: Define short names. Safe.
TID = Api::UnitTypeId # i.e. TID:MOTHERSHIP
AID = Api::AbilityId # Api::AbilityId::EFFECT_STIM becomes AID:EFFECT_STIM

# etc. for EffectId, BuffId, UpgradeId

# Optionally: Namespace your bot inside module Sc2 to drop all Sc2::* prefixes. Safe.
module Sc2
  class MyBot < Player::Bot
    # Option B: Mildly riskier than Option A, but safe for now
    include Api # All of Api is yours, directly call UnitTypeId::MOTHERSHIP

Protobuf enums can be referenced as Symbols.

# enum Result {
#   Victory = 1;
#   Defeat = 2;
#   Tie = 3;
#   Undecided = 4;
# }
Api::Result::Victory # can be substituted as...

# enum AIBuild {
#   RandomBuild = 1;
#   Rush = 2;
#   Timing = 3;
#   Power = 4;
#   Macro = 5;
#   Air = 6;
# }
Api::AIBuild::Air # can be substituted as ...

# This is not true for the Api::*Id::* fields, such as AbilityId, because they are generated and not proto definitions.

Keyword arguments
Also, where an id for a specific type is required, keyword params will tell you what it wants. Great!
def ...(unit_type_id: ...) def ...(ability_id: ...) and so on.

Descriptive keyword arguments are here to stay, but should you grow weary of the lengthy signatures, you are welcome to define your own wrapping methods for your most frequently typed calls.

New botters should learn easily, but you can create your own joy. ❤️

Here be tutorials.